Are you having trouble running Crystal Reports? Are you attempting to print a report and finding that it fails and Crystal shuts down?

If you are using Server 2012, it may be that you will need to re-install Crystal Reports and run it as administrator.

To do this, you should first log on as administrator to reduce the chance of security issues and then install the Crystal Report writer.  After install, locate the Crystal Reports program and right click on the icon to “Run As Administrator”.  Crystal will then update files on the install and will ask you to register the product (though you don’t have to register the product for it to work). Now, when you attempt to print your report, it should work without shutting down.

If you would like to learn more about this or any Microsoft Dynamics product news, please contact Complete Software by calling 410-740-1090 or by emailing!

Based out of Columbia, Maryland, Complete Software Solutions (CSS) is proud to be a Microsoft Partner and Value Added Reseller (VAR) for Microsoft Dynamics GP and Microsoft Dynamics SL as well as a unique software developer providing solutions for businesses and non-profit organizations throughout the country. We offer a variety of services including Microsoft Dynamics consulting, system evaluation, business process analysis, system design, customizations, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations and system upgrades.