We’ve been receiving a lot of questions lately from clients regarding Microsoft Dynamics GP and the ACA.  I have found a couple of articles that simplify the requirements as much as possible and will post links to them at the bottom of this blog post.  In the mean time, let’s cover some highlights.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) changes will be implemented and supported for the following Microsoft Dynamics GP versions:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, and beyond

Affordable Care Act (ACA) changes will not be implemented or supported for the following versions:

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, or previous versions

If you are currently on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 you may want to consider upgrading soon.  Mainstream support (ie. tax updates) will end on 10/13/2015.  Extended support with no updates will end on 10/13/2020.

Requirements to Implement Changes Associated with the Affordable Care Act:

In addition to Payroll, the Human Resources module is required to track Affordable Care Act information in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The GREAT news is that Human Resources is FREE with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and beyond!

Recommended to Track ACA Information:

  • Install the 2014 Year End Update
  • Install Human Resources
  • Install Human Resources and Payroll Suite to utilize Deductions In Arrears (DIA)

    • Deductions In Arrears allows you to track uncollected deductions to ensure they are recovered in a future pay run.
  • Add all Employee Dependents
  • Ensure Benefits and Deductions exist both in Human Resources and Payroll (Integration between HR and PR complete)

So…what does this mean for you? 

If you are on GP2010 or prior, we need to upgrade prior to the end of the year. Whether you are required to report to the IRS under the ACA guidelines or not, there will be no year end tax update after 10/13/2015.

If you are not running payroll from Microsoft Dynamics GP – please make sure your current payroll or HRIS systems are compatible with the ACA requirements.  If they are not, please contact us, Complete Software can help you configure GP to satisfy your reporting requirements.

Stay tuned for more ACA articles as this is becoming a frequently asked question!

Links to informative posts –

