Microsoft Office

/Tag: Microsoft Office

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #2

  Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #2 Did you know that the dollar sign ($) can be used for more than just currency in Excel? When you need to use the same formula repeatedly, the dollar sign can help make your life easier. As part of a formula, the dollar sign will tell excel not to [...]

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #22017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #1

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #1 Are you looking for a change? Bored of the same old Excel look? Here’s a quick fix! Change the color. We only have two extra options to change to, but that is better than none. Choose File | Options to display the Excel Options dialog box. Click the General tab [...]

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #12017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00