Microsoft Excel

/Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Releases Dynamics GP 2015 R2

We are excited to announce that on Monday, Microsoft released Dynamics GP 2015 R2, which brings several updates to their customers.  Some of the updates include: Easier deployment of Dynamics GP on Microsoft's Azure cloud service. An all-in-one document viewer that displays all purchasing documents for a specific vendor on a single form. Enhancements to [...]

Microsoft Releases Dynamics GP 2015 R22015-06-09T19:24:53-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #8

  Merged Cells Merged Cells are pretty easy to use.  A “merged cell” is two or more cells joined together to form one big cell.  Usually, merging is simply a formatting feature.  Let’s look at our two examples.  First, a standard spreadsheet comparing values across months and years. This gives us our values, but it’s [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #82017-08-02T13:58:00-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #7

  Tip #7 - Calculating Difference in Time   To calculate the difference between hours, use: =(End Time - Begin Time)*24   To calculate the difference between days, use: =End Date - Begin Date   To calculate the difference between work days, use: =NETWORKDAYS(Begin Date, End Date)   To calculate the difference between months within the [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #72017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #6

  Microsoft Excel Tip #6 In this blog we will discuss multiplying arrays. First, set up your arrays with the data to be used. Then, you will want to select the 4x4 box (in this example) where you would want the matrix result to end up.         In the formula bar, you [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #62017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #5

  Tip #5 An IF formula is one of the most useful terms in Excel. It’s a conditional formula that allows you to calculate one way if something is true and another if something is false. =IF(condition, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The condition is the value that you want to test.  The value_if_true is the value that [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #52017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #4

Tip #4 In order to generate a list of worksheet names: Open the workbook you would like a list of worksheet names for. Insert a new worksheet to hold the list of sheet names or navigate to the worksheet you want them to be listed on. Chose Formulas | Define Name to display the New [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #42014-06-09T14:02:29-04:00

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #3

  Tip #3 Welcome Back to our Excel Tips Series. This week's tip has us pretty excited over here at Complete Software! Do you need to know the number of unique item combinations in a given set of data? You’ll be happy to know that Microsoft has added distinct count of values to Pivot Tables [...]

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #32014-06-02T18:13:44-04:00

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #2

  Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #2 Did you know that the dollar sign ($) can be used for more than just currency in Excel? When you need to use the same formula repeatedly, the dollar sign can help make your life easier. As part of a formula, the dollar sign will tell excel not to [...]

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #22017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #1

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #1 Are you looking for a change? Bored of the same old Excel look? Here’s a quick fix! Change the color. We only have two extra options to change to, but that is better than none. Choose File | Options to display the Excel Options dialog box. Click the General tab [...]

Microsoft Excel 2013 Tip #12017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00