CS Budgeting Tool

Budget Reporting allows companies to create budgets in multiple ways and allows multiple users to access the data at the same time. This program removes the need for multiple excel spreadsheets, complex macros, and the confusion that comes with staring at multiple spreadsheets.

The Budget Reporting system allows your organization to piece together your budget one part a time. Budget information for the company as well as individual departments can be automatically rolled up to the summary page.

This program can be used for one level of analysis or multiple layers of detailed analysis. Budget Reporting is flexible enough to allow many combinations of reporting which is essential for budget reporting.

Here are some features that make the CS Budget Tool right for your business:

  • Budget Reporting provides one location for budget information.
  • Budget Reporting provides integration of data with budget information.
  • Budget Reporting provides ability for multiple users to update budget all at the same time.
  • Budget Reporting provides what – if options
  • Budget Reporting provides integration of budget information to the CS Inquiry Tool and financial statements and much, more!

Budget Reporting

The budget reporting tool incorporates many functions. Below are a few screen shots displaying some of the functions offered.

Basic Functions

Budget Tool - Basic Functions

Detail Setup Function

Budget Tool - Detail Setup Functions]

Need More Information?

Please contact us today:

Phone: 410-740-1090
Email: sales@completesoftware.net