microsoft excel

/Tag: microsoft excel

Microsoft Excel Tip #8

  Merged Cells Merged Cells are pretty easy to use.  A “merged cell” is two or more cells joined together to form one big cell.  Usually, merging is simply a formatting feature.  Let’s look at our two examples.  First, a standard spreadsheet comparing values across months and years. This gives us our values, but it’s [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #82017-08-02T13:58:00-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #7

  Tip #7 - Calculating Difference in Time   To calculate the difference between hours, use: =(End Time - Begin Time)*24   To calculate the difference between days, use: =End Date - Begin Date   To calculate the difference between work days, use: =NETWORKDAYS(Begin Date, End Date)   To calculate the difference between months within the [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #72017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #5

  Tip #5 An IF formula is one of the most useful terms in Excel. It’s a conditional formula that allows you to calculate one way if something is true and another if something is false. =IF(condition, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) The condition is the value that you want to test.  The value_if_true is the value that [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #52017-08-02T13:58:01-04:00

Microsoft Excel Tip #4

Tip #4 In order to generate a list of worksheet names: Open the workbook you would like a list of worksheet names for. Insert a new worksheet to hold the list of sheet names or navigate to the worksheet you want them to be listed on. Chose Formulas | Define Name to display the New [...]

Microsoft Excel Tip #42014-06-09T14:02:29-04:00

Budgeting Processes

Running your own business is tough enough without having to worry about managing budgets for each and every department, juggling dozens of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets while trying to keep your business profitable. That is why Complete Software developed its Budget Reporting software, which allows companies to create budgets in multiple ways and allows multiple users [...]

Budgeting Processes2017-08-02T13:58:09-04:00

New Features of Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains (GP)

Microsoft Dynamics GP software is designed to work with familiar Microsoft software to automate and streamline finances, customer relations, and supply chain processes. GP offers business management solutions that help you drive business success. Microsoft Dynamics GP Capabilities at a Glance Financial Management: • Automate payables and receivables management. • Better manage cash flow, improve [...]

New Features of Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains (GP)2017-08-02T13:58:10-04:00