business management

/Tag: business management

A Business Solution from Microsoft transforms the way you work and connect

There are several reasons that make purchasing a complete business solution from Microsoft a no-brainer. As we have already discussed, a business solution from Microsoft is not only More Than Just ERP, but it also Helps You Work Better, Faster, and Smarter and Gets You Up and Running Quickly! And this week we will focus [...]

A Business Solution from Microsoft transforms the way you work and connect2012-09-28T18:39:10-04:00

Microsoft Dynamics GP and Supply Chain Management

Microsoft Dynamics GP adapts easily and can be customized to meet even the most specific and unique supply chain management needs. Because of this, Microsoft Dynamics GP has a proven record with supply chains of all types, from traditional beverage distribution and perishables to biotechnology and industrial goods. Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics GP that Lead [...]

Microsoft Dynamics GP and Supply Chain Management2017-08-02T13:58:08-04:00